
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Firefox meets!

Last two weeks saw me visiting Benin (Edo state), For an AIESEC conference: (AIESEC National Training Seminar), where i was opportune to be part of the conference facilitating team. Trust me, as a Mozilla Firefox campus representative, i found a way of making sure i evangelized Firefox during the course of the conference. Apart from spotting my cool firefox T-shirt, talking to delegates about the cool features of Firefox, i was also able to address the delegates (albeit short it was) on the general features of Firefox and how, using Persona plug-in, a branding campaign for could be carried out...

Find below the slides for the presentation

And for the Persona i designed around, do pick it up here. If you hap. to be an aiesecer and you are reading this, make sure you get your persona!

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