
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Setting Up Code Completion on Komodo Edit for Google App Engine

I have been using Komodo Edit as my main code editor for over 2 years now. And it works for me! :) It gives me just want I need in a code editor. Basic Debugging, Project management, intellisense etc.

In fact the code-completion was one of the sterling features that made me pick Komodo Edit and drop my previous editor. That and the facts that it is free and Open Source.

As regards Code Completion, it supports a varied number of languages. From C#, Matlab, C++ to haskel, ada, lisp, tcl and Django, Ruby...Just name it! Even our dear fortran is supported.And adding support for languages that don’t come by default is a breeze.

So recently, when I started working with Google App Engine, one of the first things I did was to configure Code Completion for GAE on Komodo Edit. And it was very easy getting Komodo Edit to provide just the code completion I need to get comfortable with the WEBAPP framework.

Find below the simple procedures to follow to set up Komodo Edit to work with GAE.

Click Edit > Preference
From the dialog box that pops up on the left collapse the Language link and Click on Python:

Under the Additional Python Import Directories you can add additional path you would want Komodo Edit to pass to the Python Interpreter.

To Integrate Google App Engine, browse to the directory where the GAE SDK is installed and add the PATH.

And that is all! You are done! It is as simple as that. Code Completion should now work.

So there you have it. And if you are interested in trying out Komodo Edit, you can read more and download it from the official site

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