
Saturday, December 31, 2011

So what is Padly?

Padly is a side pet project- I have been spending some of my time on.

When building a web application that requires user login, it could be quite a boring and repetitive task to always have to code the user management functionality for application you work on, over and over again. Just as every developer fast realizes, getting this functionality handled by someone or something else is the way to go. Services like Facebook, Google and other federated login services/standards like openID have risen to handle these needs; and they work.

However, it is not every time you would want to build your application using Facebook or any other login service. But on the other hand, having to code the user management part of applications from scratch, is not something you may want to spend valuable time doing. This is where Padly could help.

Simply put, Padly is going to be a simple User Management System that handles the processes of user/account creation, password retrieval, profile management etc. It takes care of these tasks such that you can easily focus on developing the other parts of an application.

And it is easy to integrate. You just need to drop Padly into your application, make some configurations, your application then hooks into the User Management part, and that’s all. It is as simple as that.

Am almost done with it, in fact, I can say that 90% of it is already done. As such, it can be used as it stands, but some rough edges need to be polished and some features need to be tweaked.

Some of the things I’m looking at adding before final release include: adding of Upload Form Fields, Review Security, Client Side Verification for Radio, Checkbox and Text Area, etc.

The Project is going to be open and everybody can use and contribute to it. You can find the development branch here on github and instructions on how to integrate it into your application can be found here

Feel free to give it a spin, feedback any issue you have and do follow the project for updates.

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