
Thursday, April 19, 2018

ip-num 1.0.1 is Released

ip-num, version 1.0.1 is now available. It is mainly a bug fix release.

The release contains the following changes/fixes:

  • Fixed the throwing of the invalid integer: NaN when invalid IPv4 and IPv6 strings are passed to Validator.isValidIPv4String and Validator.isValidIPv6String validators. Fixed by saiyeek Issue #5
  • Fixed Validator.isValidIPv4CidrNotation improper validation of IPv4 CIDR Issue #6
  • Renamed Subnet to SubnetMask Issue #1
You can download the source here. Or just run:

npm install ip-num //or npm install ip-num@1.0.1

to add ip-num as a dependency to your next project.

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