
Saturday, July 14, 2018

ip-num 1.1.1 is Released

ip-num, version 1.1.1 is now available.

I will quickly highlight some of the new features, improvement and some bug fixes contained in this release.

Support for IPv4-Mapped IPv6 Address

It is possible to embed an IPv4 address within an IPv6 address. Doing this involves using the least significant 32 bits to encode the IPv4 address, the next least 16 significant bits is turned On, and the remaining 80 bits turned Off. The format of the "IPv4-mapped IPv6 address" Looks like this:

   |                80 bits               | 16 |      32 bits        |
   |0000..............................0000|FFFF|    IPv4 address     |

ip-num now supports creating these kinds of IPv6 addresses. This can be achieved in various ways:

Converting from an existing IPv4
import { IPv4 } from "ip-num/IPv4";

let ipv4 = new IPv4("")
ipv4.toIPv4MappedIPv6().toString() // produces ::ffff:4a7d:2b63

From an existing IPv4 using convenience method on IPv6
import { IPv6 } from "ip-num/IPv6";

let ipv6 = IPv6.fromIPv4(new IPv4(""))
ipv6.toString() // produces ::ffff:4a7d:2b63

From dot-decimal notation using convenience method on IPv6
import { IPv6 } from "ip-num/IPv6";

let ipv6 = IPv6.fromIPv4DotDecimalString("")
ipv6.toString() // produces ::ffff:4a7d:2b63

Convenience methods for creating IPv4, IPv6 and ASN from Binary string

ip-num now has method that allows the creation of IPv4, IPv6, and ASN instances from binary string.

import { Asn } from "ip-num/Asn";
import { IPv4 } from "ip-num/IPv4";
import { IPv6 } from "ip-num/IPv6";

let anAsn = Asn.fromBinaryString('1111');
let anIPv4 = IPv4.fromBinaryString("01001010011111010010101101100011");
let anIPv6 = IPv6.fromBinaryString("01001010011111010010101101100011");

Improvement to various Validators

Big fixes, increased test coverage and improvements were made to Validators. This mainly touches the Validator.isValidIPv4String() and Validator.isValidIPv6String() validators.

For a complete view of the changes included in the v1.1.1 release, please check the change log.

As usual, you can download the source here. Or just run:

npm install ip-num //or npm install ip-num@1.1.1

to add ip-num as a dependency to your next project.

Feel free to open an issue to discuss a feature or to report a bug.

ps: v1.1.0 was unpublished due to inadvertently publishing some dev dependencies as normal dependencies

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